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Teachers from School of Emergency Management Visiting Emergency Command Center of China Earthquake Administration for Investigation

Date:2019-04-12    Author:     Source:     Click:

Recently, Prof. Tang Yandong, dean of the School of Emergency Management, and Prof. Shan Weifeng, assistant dean of the School of Emergency Management, and a team of six people went to the emergency Command Center of China Earthquake Administration and the Network Center of China Earthquake Administration to carry out a study and investigation on the construction of emergency command hall.

Tang Yandong and his party first came to the Emergency Command Center of China Earthquake Administration to have in-depth discussions and exchange ideas with Director Wu Tian’an and Deputy Director Zheng Tongyan of the Emergency Response Department of the Network Center. Tang Yandong introduced the basic situation of the School of Emergency Management and the preliminary idea of building the emergency drill training room. Wu Tian'an introduced the construction and application of the Emergency Command Hall in detail, and gave specific suggestions on the layout design, equipment selection and technical selection of the command hall.

Later, Tang Yandong and his party went to the China Earthquake Network Center to visit the Earthquake Emergency News Release Center and the Command Hall of the State Council's Earthquake Relief Headquarters. Zhu Ziqiang, director of China Earthquake Network Center, introduced in detail the construction of the press release center and the reconstruction of the Command Hall of the State Council's Earthquake Relief Headquarters.