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School of Ecology and Environment Completing the Geological?Mapping in Yangshudixia Village

Date:2018-09-12    Author:     Source:     Click:

On September 8, 2018, Sun Guangtong and Qian An, teachers of the School of Ecology and Environment, together with eight students majoring in surveying and mapping, went to Yangshudixia village, the precise poverty alleviation point of IDP, to carry out the surveying and mapping work in the early stage of the industrial poverty alleviation project construction.

The working group in the village held a mobilization meeting for surveying and mapping work, and invited local greenhouse planting experts to explain to the students on the relevant issues of field surveying and mapping. Sun Guangtong made detailed arrangements and work mobilization for the specific work. Liu Peilai, Secretary of the Village Branch, expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to the teachers and students of surveying and mapping major.

The two teachers and students climbed high to build a base station. They worked together to collect data in the corn field and the river course, working overtime, forgetting to eat and sleep. Some of the students who participated in the surveying and mapping work could run out of 900 spots in an afternoon, some would cross the river with their trousers rolling up for data collection, and others would run to complete the data collection before the base station was out of power.

The teachers and students of surveying and mapping major have successfully completed three surveying and mapping work, including preliminary surveying and mapping of greenhouse construction project, topographic mapping along the bank of Mangniu River and actual land occupation survey of wind power construction project, which showed the good professional quality and professional attitude of teachers and students of IDP, and laid a good foundation for the development of Yangshudixia village industrial project.